
Political experts and commentators are speculating about former U.S.

Political experts and commentators are speculating about former U.S. President Donald Trump’s potential ambitions to administer an autocracy, should he regain the presidency. This theory is rooted in Trump’s past practices of unilateral decision-making and limited checks on his executive power, which some believe may compromise democratic principles and institutions.

One of the most visible signs of this potential authoritarian trajectory was Trump’s decision to involve close family members, including Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, in key positions within his administration. Trump’s disregard for democratic norms, such as his frequent criticism of established media and promotion of false information, likewise raise concerns.

Further, Trump’s alignment with his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, and her financial support for his campaign hint at a shift towards a family-oriented approach to politics, potentially altering the dynamics within the Republican Party.

Potential autocracy in Trump’s political ambitions

His request for a $1 billion contribution for his campaign from oil CEOs also raises questions about a conflict of interest and a lack of transparency, both of which are essential for democracy.

Barron Trump’s brief role as a delegate of the Florida GOP convention and the potential re-involvement of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner further emphasize Trump’s tendency to include family in politics. This involvement arouses interest in and concern about the Trump family’s influence over the political landscape.

The Trump Organization’s familial dynamics and hierarchical structure have drawn comparisons to autocracies, fueling apprehension about a similar setup potentially being replicated in U.S. governance. The concentration of power within a small family group could pose a risk to democratic balance, highlighting the need for transparency, participation, and accountability in governance.

The prospect of a president ruling over 330 million citizens, along with a select few, culminates in worries about unchecked authority potentially leading to authoritarianism. Meetings between Trump and oil tycoons have also sparked fear that the country could be used as a platform for Trump’s business interests, possibly compromising American public interests and overriding core democratic principles.


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